Sitting all day while at work or during meetings and conferences is a sure-fire way to get ‘Desk Jockey Syndrome’ – chronic lower back pain. If you’re experiencing this, you are not alone: Millions of people suffer, and there’s a simple way to alleviate it: Movement.
An August 2020 systematic review and meta-analysis study revealed that yoga offers great short-term relief from back pain, and walking reduces discomfort both short-term and long-term (greater than 6 months). If you sit less and move more, you’ll reap positive health benefits. Here’s how to integrate both activities into your lifestyle.
Try yoga
If you’re just starting out on your yoga journey or looking for ways to integrate yoga into your virtual or hybrid meetings and workdays, I have a library of short, curated yoga video breaks that are easy to do between sessions or as stretch and mind-body breaks throughout the work day. These include bedtime yoga practices like wake-up and wind-down yoga poses and desk jockey yo...
You may remember my e-newsletter back in February, ‘When the wellness expert becomes the patient’ – I shared that I’d recently been diagnosed with a rare thyroid disorder, plus I had sleep apnea. One good thing that came from being so sick and exhausted? I lost 10 pounds!
You might guess what happened next: I re-gained the 10 pounds that I’d lost. Not exactly part of my wellness plan!
But here’s something interesting: After a three-day home sleep study I did two weeks ago, my sleep doctor said I no longer have sleep apnea! I’m sure my condition improved thanks to practicing yoga. Research from the National Institutes of Health has shown that yoga breathing exercises can alleviate sleep apnea, because they strengthen, tone and open your upper airway muscles – breathing to help your breathing!
Today, I no longer need that ugly CPAP machine – which was a giant pain to use. And now that I’m fully vaccinated, I’m living out a new and comprehensive workout plan for ‘Life after Lockdown’.
...Have a look at this video to see what's possible - with poles.
Pole walking is the most inexpensive gym membership. With unlimited options, no hidden fees and with the proper technique, your $119.99 investment will be your lifelong fitness tool.
To recap, here is what's inside the FLASH SALE INTRO TO POLE WALKING STARTER PACKAGE:
Did my email and post peak your curiosity about pole walking?
Pole walking is one of the fastest growing forms of fitness globally and with good reason. It's a total body workout for people of all ages, sizes, health conditions and athletic abilities. Plus it offers the same year-round fresh-air experience as running - but without jarring and jostling your joints.
Curious about the benefits of pole walking? This byte-size VIDEO CLIP captures the benefits of pole walking (compared to regular walking - without poles).
Check out all the muscles you will activate when you take up pole walking:
Take advantage of my INTRO TO POLE WALKING PACKAGE to get you started. FLASH SALE ends tomorrow.
PS: Stay tuned for tomorrow's email where I will share my real backstory behind pole walking and a little something to help you pole walk like a pro!
Keep moving forward,
Want more information about the 10 benefits pole walking, supported by 280+ published research studies? Check out this freeb...
I'm writing because I have an idea brewing in my head and I can't let it go. It's got me SO excited. I'm sharing this with you because of our shared interest in walking.
Here's the backstory:
Since COVID-19 erupted, I have chosen to stay home.
I don't feel cooped up inside the house.
I prefer not to do on-demand or web-streamed exercise and yoga classes. I spend enough time in front of a computer.
I don't plan to return to my gym and yoga studio because I'd find it a challenge to work out wearing a mask.
I get outside daily to enjoy the fresh air and power walk. But not just your average power walk. I up-level my walk with poles.
Pole walking?! Curious? WATCH THIS COOL VIDEO.
I walk for the following reasons:
I have a vision: to start Pandemic Pole Walkers, a pole walking movement w...
I'm not sure if "Thank God it's Friday" is relevant at this time.
Every day feels the same. Some days I'm up working or binge watching Netflix series until 2 am and other days like last night, I'm in bed before 9 pm and up at 4 am to start my day. My routine has shifted with my two college kids home.
While this pandemic is not yet under control, the one thing that I try to control is my health. Like yoga, my self-care is a practice. It's intentional and disciplined. I practice self-care to manage my own health conditions (osteoporosis and sleep apnea) and reverse others (pre-diabetes, weight gain, chronic plantar fasciitis and anxiety).
My household practices social distancing. My escape is pole walking. Daily. I walk up to 2 hours daily (burn up to 700 calories) and use this time for virtual "walk & talk" meetings and listening to podcasts. I am finally able to fit into my jeans from my pre-USA move (almost 6 years) and lost 10 pounds.
So why am I sharing this with you?
I love he...
You're stuck at home. Gyms and yoga studios are shut down. Schools and colleges are closed and your kids are at home too. Indefinitely.
In times of uncertainty, I know it's easy to get overwhelmed. Your daily routine is disrupted. It's easier to just stay in your pajamas or wear sweatpants all day than to get dressed.
If you're a Seinfeld fan, remember the Seinfeld sweatpants episode? The message George told the world with his sweatpants is "I give up. I can't compete in normal society. I'm miserable so I might as well be comfortable."
I want to give you a different perspective. Maintaining both physical and mental health is vital, now more than ever. The time saved from not commuting to work means more time to spend on self-care and well-being. So put your yoga / workout pants on and keep moving forward.
Get outside and walk. But... why not take walking to a whole new level by adding specially designed poles?
Walking is one of the activities that health authorities and government...
Coronavirus is invisible but we all feel its presence. We're living in a time of great uncertainty where working from home and searching for different ways to exercise, prepare meals, and maintain daily habits is challenging.
Staying home gives you the gift of time. There is no better time than now to take your health in your hands to boost immunity and vitality so that you come back stronger and fitter post-COVID-19.
Here's my gift to you: a COVID-19 Self-Care Survival Kit to help you eat, sleep, move and breathe your way to wellness.
If you're feeling cooped up inside the house or need a change form your repertoire of on-demand or web-streamed fitness and yoga classes, you're going to love the special section on pole walking inside the Kit.
CLICK HERE to learn about my pole walking and total wellness workout packages.
If you're interested in joining me as a founding member (monthly membership fees will be granted and maintained at the lowest price), please send me a private em...